Friday, November 29, 2019

Linguistics and Language free essay sample

In this essay, I will explain as well as compare two theories of first language acquisition, behaviorism and innatism. I will explore the differences between them in such categories as the role of the learner, the role of the environment and as well as their strengths and weaknesses. I will then state and explain which one I find more tenable with examples of relevant literature. Role of the Learner Behaviorism, credited to B. F. Skinner in the 1950s, states that the learner knows nothing to start with, he is an empty slate [o1] to be taught. The learner is passive and learns by positive-negative reinforcement, only repeating what he hears. Innatism, credited to Noam Chomsky in 1965, states that the learner is wired from birth for language. The learner is equipped with a LAD, a language acquisition device. This device allows the learner to discover the rules of his language, any language. We will write a custom essay sample on Linguistics and Language or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Role of the Environment Behaviorism states that the role of the environment is key and vital to the learning process. The environment is the active agent while the learner is the passive agent. The environment produces the necessary language input for the learner. It is up to the environment to give positive and negative reinforcement for the learner. Innatism states that the role of the environment is minimal because it only acts as the trigger for learning. It is also thought the environment is flawed and can’t be relied upon to always give perfect information. Therefore, it is up to the learner to find the rules of the language[o2] . Strengths There are a few strengths to support the behaviorism theory. It is easy to monitor the learners’ performance. This is how parents (as teachers) usually teach their children, through nurturing which puts emphasis on the role of the environment. This theory can also explain why learners have the ability to memorize. On the other hand, there are several strengths of the innatism theory. A learner cannot memorize all the possible different language and grammar combinations that he learns through the environment. The LAD helps the learner to generalize rules and make his own creative use of the language. A child will resist using an irregular form because of over-generalizing, and he will create his own form of a word according to the rules that he has internalized. And these rules don’t necessarily conform to adult grammar rules which include many exceptions. By applying these internalized and generalized rules, a child is able to acquire a language at a fast pace. [o3] Weaknesses The Behaviorism theory only accounts for the performance of the learner, and not on his competence. The learner is passive, so this theory does not focus on the learner’s mind and knowledge. It also does not explain why children acquire a language so quickly even if they are exposed to different environments. In addition, this theory also doesn’t offer an explanation of why children over-generalize rules such as the simple past tense of irregular verbs even though they hear irregular forms in the environment. There are also several weaknesses to the Innatism theory. One of the first weaknesses is that it demands the existence of the Language Acquisition Device (LAD), its existence is difficult to prove and is immeasurable. This theory also doesn’t take into account different kinds of learners, just ideal learners with ideal grammar. The environment plays a minor role in this theory, so it doesn’t take into account the social aspect of the learner. My Opinion Looking at the two of these theories, I find the Innatism theory the most tenable. In my own experience with my children and students, the learners do not always model my behavior. This usually occurs with irregular patterns, particularly past tense verbs. This is similar to the â€Å"wug† test where a child will form a past tense of a verb that he has never heard before by applying the general grammar rules that he has learned. This behavior cannot be memorized and must be driven by an internal structure. Another reason to support this theory is that learners with impaired intelligence have been able to learn the structure of language. It has also been proven that American Sign Language which is taught to the deaf also has its own language structure. In addition, the creation of Creole languages supports the theory. As a Creole develops, grammar and structure are built in. The LAD would account for the formation of these languages as well as for creative uses of language by a learner. Conclusion In this essay I have explained two theories of language acquisition, behaviorism and innatism. In doing so, I have explained the different roles of the learner as well as the environment. I have also explored strengths and weaknesses of each theory and why I support the innatism theory over the behaviorism theory[o4] . [o1]Good one, I forgot this in my essay [o2]Do you think you should mention poverty of stimulus here? [o3]ording? Universal grammar is built off of two propositions, that all languages are governed by a set of universal principles, and that the mind is equipped with parameters which are set intuitively by the child according to the language input they receive. UG researchers have found a number of universal principles. One of the more prominent principles is structure dependency. Structure dependency states that all sentences regardless of the language are built off of propositions that carry both a noun and a verb phrase; in other words, every sentence in every language must have at least a subject and a verb (Chomsky, 1959). One parameter setting that is contained in the LAD is the head setting. Some languages such as English are head first, other languages such as Japanese are head last. Various arguments have been used to support the existence of universal grammar. Chomsky (1959) has proposed the poverty of the stimulus argument, positing that the input children receive cannot account for what they produce, and therefore, children must have an innate facility. He argues that the input is marred in two ways; first it contains a hodgepodge of performance slips, and secondly, it does not contain any negative evidence. How do children acquire language when they don’t know what they can’t say, or how do they learn to speak correctly when the input they here is at times in correct? They do so, according to Chomsky, through this innate capacity. Jackendoff (1994) offers another argument in support of universal grammar, the argument from expressive variety. Jackendoff argues that given that languages are recursive, there is simply no way of storing all of the possible sentences one can create in one’s mind. In other words, sentences don’t come from habits, but rather from creative expression. Universal grammar has had a lot of capital in language acquisition theory, although it has been critiqued on some fronts. Connectionists, particularly, N. Ellis (2006) has argued that language acquisition is not due to an innate faculty and the creative expression of humans, but equates it to a usage-based approach where children learning piecemeal frequently reoccurring chunks of language. Another argument against the innate language faculty is that UG researchers have claimed that only humans have access to syntax, yet this has been found not to be true. Certain animals, such as the humpback whale and songbirds have been found to possess a recursive syntax, suggesting that syntax and language may have evolved from lower order primates. Whereas universal grammar begins with language from the inside, Sociocultural theory, another prominent first language acquisition, posits language acquisition begins from the outside. Vygotsky, the founder of sociocultural theory, argues that language is a psychological tool, which children acquire and learn to manipulate as they interact with their environment and with more capable peers (Vygotsky, 1978). Children first learn language as they interact with their parents. Parents use caretaker speech, which makes it easier for the child to understand and grasp a hold on the concepts of the language. As the child begins to understand and produce simple utterances, they are able to use the language to mediate their psychological functioning (Vygotsky, 1978). Vygotsky argues that children begin learning language by first learning single words, which are pure meaning. As they develop their language skills, and engage in social speech, single word sentences are augmented through incorporation of non-meaningful elements, such as function  words, and the child’s thoughts and words begin to develop more sense meanings. For instance, where the word ‘cat’ for the 1 or two year old child could have served as an exemplar for all cats, by the time the child is nine, and having undergone a variety of experiences related to cat, they have imbibed the word with their own unique s enses. Thus syntax and word senses expand, the more a child learns. Now, whereas social speech began from one and developed into many, inner speech, the speech that goes on inside of our heads becomes more and more truncated. Vygotsky argues, contrary to Piaget, that egocentric speech does not ‘disappear’ rather it becomes internalized as inner speech. And this inner speech is something that could not be understood by anybody but the person who is thinking it. Vygotsky suggests that just as people who have known each other for many years, and who have had a large amount of experiences together exhibit language tendencies of shortened syntax because of their historical shared experience, a person’s inner speech also exhibits this characteristic, but even more so; the stuff of thought is nothing but psychological predicates (Vygotsky, 1978). One of the primary ways humans learn anything, according to Vygotsky, is through the zone of proximal development. This concept explains that what a person can do today with assistance, they can do tomorrow by themselves (Vygotsky, 1978). Applied to first language acquisition, the child may receive help from an expert, such as their parents, who point at objects and say their name, for example, cat. After seeing this, the child may repeat ‘cat’ immediately after. The next day, as the child sees the cat, it says the word ‘cat’ without needing to be told by their parents. Chomsky maintains that languages consist of an infinite number of sentences and cannot be learned through habit formation. Language is too complex to be learned in such a short amount of time (Chomsky, 1959). He believes that every human is born with an innate language learning capacity, which is embedded in the language acquisition device (LAD). Chomsky believes that all language share grammatical structures. This is called universal grammar (UG). Proof of UG includes poverty of stimulus, which explains how children acquire the language despite their limited exposure and incorrect input they may receive. Another evidence for UG that languages are recursive, (Jackendoff, 1994). It is impossible to know all the possible combinations; however, they are learned by children. According to UG, there must be some sort of innate capacity that provides the additional information. The fact that children are resistant to correction once again proves that language is developed through an innate capacity. According to Chomsky (1959), all languages share principles, which are invariable across languages. For example, noun phrases and verb phrases. This is called structure dependency. All languages have verbs and nouns. What distinguishes languages from each other according to Chomsky, are parameters, which are language specific. For example, some languages are head first, and some are head last. In relation to UG, Eric Lenneberg (1967) introduced the Critical Period Hypothesis (CPH), which is a window of language learning opportunity before puberty. Proponents of CPH believe after this period, language learning becomes a much more difficult task and adults tend to rely on other mechanisms such as problem solving skills, reasoning, and deductive instruction to learn a language. Evidence of the CP is for example abused children, who despite being removed from the environment where they were deprived of social contact, were not able to learn the language. There have been many criticisms to Chomsky’s UG, for example, the LAD cannot be located and is immeasurable. Also, Chomsky’s theories overlook the effects of social contact and the environment on language learning. Social interactionist Vygotsky (1978) was a strong proponent of the social interaction hypothesis. He believed that learning takes place through social interaction, and give and take of information with caregivers, parents, or peers. According to Vygotsky, children begin with external speech, which could consist of one word only, but have the meaning of a whole sentence. Gradually, as the child grows older, he develops more complex and longer sentences and associates more meaning with his words. A child also engages in private speech (similar to adults), which is usually meant for problem solving or thinking out loud, but is not meant for sharing although articulated. Vygotsky believes that as the child develops more linguistic skills, this private speech becomes internalized and turns into inner speech, which is pure meaning, and does not consist of subjects; it is predicated. In direct opposition to the environment being the active participant in language learning, Chomsky flips behaviorism on its head and presents the learner as having a primary role while environment becomes secondary. Within the Universal Grammar Theory (UG), Noam Chomsky (1959) presents a Language Acquisition Device (LAD) that is responsible for the language learning process. Purely biological, language is filtered through the innate LAD that is structured with principles that are unchanging and parameters that vary according to the language being learned. Proofs to support this theory are many. Syntax and the head-first/head-last parameter are two such proofs. As a child learns language, they hold to one of only two possibilities in any given language – head-first and head-last – and language is formed through recursion and syntactic movement that follow a pattern within a particular language. This shows that language is rule-governed and that the LAD is programmed with language foundations from which a child can develop. That children are resistant to correction follows this same thought as they develop language through the LAD. Language \is not linked to intelligence as we see in brain damaged adults who are completely coherent in language skills and others who are cognitively normal but cannot speak correctly. Stroke victims also show that, depending on the area of the brain that is affected, intelligence and speech are not linked. Broca’s and Wernicke’s Aphasias show that certain areas of the brain affe ct speech while intelligence remains unaffected. As evidenced by the Gopnik family, genetic impairments have also proven that a glitch in the UG can be passed down from one generation to another, thus proving that the LAD is indeed biological (Jackendoff, 113). Eric Lenneberg’s Critical Period Hypothesis (1967) and the cases of â€Å"wild children† are yet further evidence. Lenneberg holds that the LAD becomes dormant or ineffective after a certain age – around the age of 12 – and this is why children acquire language so much more quickly than adults who are attempting the same. Through these studies of particular children who did not learn language and who were void of contact with language as a whole, it shows that the younger the child, the more fully they were able to learn language. Once a child was passed the age of 12 or so, they were unable to acquire proper language skills. The younger children were not only able to learn more adequately but then went on to continue in the language learning process as a normal adult would. As many proofs as there are for Chomsky’s UG and the LAD, criticisms are plentiful as well. First and foremost, where is the evidence that a device like LAD exists? It certainly has not been located in the brain, therefore, it remains immeasurable and some have serious doubt as to its legitimacy. This theory also limits the role of the environment and gives no account for the social context of the language learning process. It idealizes the speaker and the grammar itself to a certain degree and packages the entire process a bit too neatly. Cognitive Development Theory Jean Piaget’s (1955) work in cognitive development is foundational on many levels. Watching his own children, nature, and certain study groups of young children, Piaget introduces a theory that is completely developmental. As a child is ready and developed (both biologically and cognitively), they are able to assimilate, accommodate and adapt new experiences. Underlying in this theory is reasoning and logic. The role of the environment is minimal and the learner is vital but only as they are cognitively developed and ready for new experiences. A child will not learn what they are not cognitively developed to receive at that point no matter what the instruction. Piaget holds to the notion of children developing schema. As a new experience is received and they are biologically and cognitively ready to receive it, they will develop new schema to fit into the framework of schema that they already have developed. This theory also relies heavily on egocentric and socialized speech with each one serving a different function. Egocentric speech is what is used (mainly by children) when words and thoughts are spoken out loud but the one speaking is only dealing with their own thoughts and ideas. Socialized speech is a shift away from egocentric speech where one simply derives pleasure from speaking to being a way of exchanging their ideas or opinions. Although Piaget’s work and theory is critical, it neither accounts for the child’s behavior as a whole nor for the cognitive development after the stage of ‘formal operation’ is reached. It offers vast insight into the developmental process of a child but little instruction on attaining language skills. It was also based solely on a Western model and is therefore quite limiting. SECOND LANGUAGE ACQUISITION Input Output Hypotheses As a result of older models of language teaching where attention was given to language grammar, Krashen (1981) places his focus on communication input. He contends that if the learner is given a chance to absorb the language, they will be better equipped to acquire it. Rather than forcing output immediately, Krashen holds to a silent period where learners have the privilege of just listening to language before attempting it†¦much like a young child would in learning their mother tongue. Comprehensible input (i + 1) is the formula that Krashen holds to for optimal language learning for second language learners (SLLs). This states that if a SLL is offered input that is only slightly beyond what they already know, acquisition will take place. He also makes a differentiation between language learning and language acquisition, claiming that acquisition is what is needed for the language learning process. Criticisms of Krashen’s hypothesis are that input alone cannot account for acquisition and that some grammatical forms cannot be learned without being taught. Swain (1985) introduces her Output Hypothesis in contrast to Krashen and claims that no matter the input, if the output is unintelligible, acquisition has not truly occurred. It is the output that forces learners to grapple with the grammatical processing and figure out what works. Through output, a learner can realize their problem areas, can experiment with new areas they are unsure of, and gives them the chance to analyze problems they are having in their language learning process. Linguistics and Language free essay sample Language Comprehension †¢Language Production †¢Language Acquisition Psycholinguistics is a branch of cognitive science What will be covered in this class? †¢ How do we produce and recognize speech? †¢ How do we perceive words, letters, and sentences? †¢ How do we learn and recall information from texts? †¢ How can we improve texts to make them easier to understand? †¢ How does the brain function to process language? †¢ What are the causes and effects of reading disabilities? Is there language in other species? Central themes in psycholinguistics 1)  What knowledge of language is needed for us to use language? Tacit (implicit) knowledge vs. Explicit knowledge †¢ tacit: knowledge of how to perform something, but not aware of full rules †¢ explicit: knowledge of the processes of mechanisms in performing that thing 2)  What cognitive processes are involved in the ordinary use of language? How do we understand a lecture, read a book, hold a conversation? Cognitive processes: perception, memory, thinking, learning Some definitions of basic components of language: Semantics: The meaning of words and sentences Syntax: The grammatical arrangement of words in a sentence or phrase Phonology: The sound pattern of language Pragmatics: How language is used in a social context Examples from psycholinguistics Parsing garden path sentences The novice accepted the deal before he had a chance to check his finances, which put him in a state of conflict when he realized he had a straight flush. We will write a custom essay sample on Linguistics and Language or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page 1) The defendant examined by the lawyer turned out to be unreliable 2) The evidence examined by the lawyer turned out to be unreliable The process of parsing is the process of making decisions The effect of prior knowledge on comprehension The procedure is actually quite simple. First you arrange things into different groups. Of course, one pile may be sufficient depending on how much there is to do. If you have to go somewhere else due to lack of facilities, that is the next step; otherwise you are pretty well set. It is important not to overdo things. That is, it is better to do too few things at once than too many. In the short run this may not seem important, but complications can easily arise. A mistake can be expensive as well. At first the whole procedure will seem complicated. Soon, however, it will become just another facet of life. It is difficult to foresee any end to the necessity for this task in the immediate future, but then one never can tell. After the procedure is completed, one arranges the materials into different groups again. Then they can be put into their appropriate places. Eventually they will be used once more, and the whole cycle will then have to be repeated. However, that is part of life. Bransford amp; Johnson, 1973 Recall: No context: 2. 8 idea units out of a maximum of 18 Context afterwards: 2. 7 idea units Context before: 5. 8 idea units Child language development How many words do you know? Hint: Dictionary has about: 450,000 entries Test high school graduates: How many words do they know? About 45,000 english words About 60,000 including names and foreign words The average six year old knows about 13,000 words. Learning about 10 words per day since age 1. (One every 90 minutes) How much do we have to teach children to learn language? Do you have to teach a child to walk? Is it the same way of learning a language? My teacher holded the baby rabbits and we patted them I eated my dinner A brief history of psycholinguistics Wilhem Wundt (early 1900s) Interest in mental processes of language production Sentence as the primary unit of language †¢ Speech production is the transformation of complete thought processes into sequentially organized speech segments. Behaviorism (1920s-1950s) †¢ Rejected the focus on mental processes †¢ Measurement based on objective behavior (primarily in lab animals) †¢ How does experience (reward and punishment) shape behavior? B. F. Skinner: Children learn language through shaping (correction of speech errors) Associative chain theory: A sentence consists of a chain of associations between individual words in the sentence What’s wrong with the behaviorist approach? Noam Chomsky (1950s present) 1) Colorless green ideas sleep furiously 2) Furiously sleep ideas green colorless. 3)  George picked up the baby 4)  George picked the baby up. Almost every sentence uttered is a new combination of words The Poverty of stimulus argument: There is not enough information in the language samples given to children to account for the richnes and complexity of children’s language The pattern of development is not based on parental speech but on  innate  language knowledge Linguistic Diversity vs. Linguistic Universals Linguistic diversity There appears to be a lot of diversity among languages Even within languages there is diversity When are two languages different? We speak the same language if we can understand each other Exceptions: Norwegian and Swedish Cantonese and Mandarin Dialects within languages: The myth of pure language How/why do languages change? Why does there seem to be a correct English? Members of the dominant (most powerful) sub-culture tend to speak one dialect and may punish those who do not Linguistic Chauvinism Belief that one’s own language/dialect is the best of all possible languages Black English Vernacular (BEV) Study by William Labov Interviewed African-American street youth You know, like some people say if you’re good an’ sh*t, your spirit goin’ t’heaven . . . ‘n if you bad, your spirit goin’ to hell. Well, bullsh*t! Your spirit goin’ to hell anyway, good or bad. [Why? ] Why? I’ll tell you why. ‘Cause, you see, doesn’ nobody really know that it’s a God, y’know, ‘cause I mean I have seen black gods, white gods, all color gods, and don’t nobody know it’s really a God. An’ when they be sayin’ if you good, you goin’ t’heaven, tha’s bullsh*t, ‘cause you ain’t goin’ to no heaven, ‘cause it ain’t no heaven for you to go to. †¢ Place holders: There vs. It in the copula Copula: Is, Was optional †¢ Negatives: You ain’t goin’ to no heaven BEV just as linguistically complex as Standard American English We don’t see/understand the complexity in other languages Moral: All languages seem to permit as wide range of expressions as others Linguistic Universals What is in common with all languages? Sentences are built from words based on the same physiological processes †¢ All languages have words †¢ All humans have ways of making sounds. †¢ Languages tend to use a small set of phonemic sounds †¢ Phoneme: The minimal unit of sound that contributes to meaning How many phonemes in a language? English: 40 phonemes †¢ Range: Polynesian 11 to Khoisan 141 Discreteness Messages in human language (e. g. speech sounds) are made up of units of which there is a discrete (limited) number Arbitrariness The relationship between meaningful elements in language and their denotation is independent of any physical resemblance between the two. Words do not have to look or sound like what they describe Openness †¢ New linguistic messages are created freely and easily †¢ Languages are not constrained in a way so that there are a limited number of messages that can be created.

Monday, November 25, 2019

Letter to an Atheist †Theology Essay

Letter to an Atheist – Theology Essay Free Online Research Papers Letter to an Atheist Theology Essay Dear friend, Over the years, we have conversed about the existence of God. We have discussed creation and the unlikely theory that this vast, varied, and complex universe could have just come into existence by accident or have evolved over a trillion years. We have considered the Apostle Paul’s argument that from the creation of the world people have seen the earth and the sky and all that God made. They can clearly see his invisible qualities – his eternal power and divine nature. So they are without excuse whatsoever for not knowing God. (See Romans 1:19-20.) These observations and other reasoning’s seemingly did not convince you of the existence of an almighty, awesome, and loving God. A God we can know personally and who knows us personally. (See Psalm 139.) You have had friends and now a dear loved one die. â€Å"The question now comes back to me,† you say, â€Å"How does one face death? I’m an atheist, but I have no idea what’s on the other side. Is there an after life? When someone dies, I often think about what happens – where do they go?† My friend, that’s a very perceptive and critical question. I think that it was Mark Twain who observed that there are only two things certain in life – death and taxes. â€Å"Everyone must die.† This trite sentence conceals a mass of questions, problems, yearnings, and troubles that have plagued all of us at some time in our lives. Is death the end of everything? Is this life as good as it gets? Or, is there an eternal life? Someone once said that there are no atheists in a foxhole. Perhaps that is true. In the book The Faith Letters by Helmut Thielicke, the story is told about the death of the wife of an older member of their project group in Germany. Some friends from America sent a letter of sympathy to the grieving gentleman. â€Å"Dear E-, . . . It would be of little use to come to you now with pious clichà ©s. But you should know that we suffer with you, that we accompany you in love upon your lonely way and that your name is spoken again and again in our prayers. Those who do not know God can only see death as the archfiend. For them it is the end and severs their relationship with everything we consider dear and valuable. For us Christians, however, it is only an incident, hardly an interruption. In the New Testament we are repeatedly struck by the spirit of joy which overcomes the pain of death. We pray that this certainty may also be yours . . .† The letter refers to â€Å"the incident of death†. The terror of death often appears as the absolute end. Consider how many deal with death. In many countries, funeral homes no longer use black hearses, but are â€Å"disguising† them in neutral colors. People are getting away from many customs of grieving to keep from reminding them of death. In the New Testament we are always struck by the spirit of joy concerning death. The focus is not on the way people â€Å"experience† death. The basis of the New Testament’s message and hope is not the human incapacity to bear death in its harshness but the defeat of death itself by and through Jesus Christ. Thielicke says, â€Å"The New Testament is thus not concerned how death can be made subjectively bearable, but with the victory over death as an objective power.† My friend, you ask â€Å"What happens in the end?† The Apostle Paul addressed that question. â€Å"If in this life only we have hope (in Christ), we are of all men most miserable† (I Corinthians 15:19). He further declared, â€Å"I face death daily . . . And what value was there in fighting wild beasts . . . if there be no resurrection from the dead? If there is no resurrection, let’s feast and get drunk, for tomorrow we die!† (I Corinthians 15:31-32 NLT). The hope and teaching of the Word of God is resurrection. Death is not the end. Death was conquered by Jesus when he arose from the dead on the third day, victorious over death, hell, and the grave. Jesus says, â€Å"Because I live you shall live also.† Jesus gave this promise to Martha after raising Lazarus from the dead, ‘I am the resurrection and the life. Those who believe in me, even though they die like everyone else, will live again. They are given eternal life for believing in me and will never perish . . .† (John 11:25-26 NLT). When we put faith in Christ and receive him as Savior and Lord, He takes us into His fellowship and will never let us go. He will go with us through deaths door and he will, as in the conversation with the penitent thief on the cross, â€Å"be with us in Paradise† (Luke 23:43). My friend, I noticed that the words â€Å"Love Says It All† was stamped on the back of the envelope that your letter came in. It’s so true. Paul writes concerning the power of Easter, â€Å"Neither death nor life . . . can separate us from the love of God that is revealed in Christ Jesus our Lord† (Romans 8:38-39 NLT). How do we face death? Look to the one who is victor over death – Jesus Christ. â€Å"For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten son that whosoever believes in Him shall not perish but has eternal life† (John 3:16). Research Papers on Letter to an Atheist - Theology EssayThe Masque of the Red Death Room meaningsCapital PunishmentComparison: Letter from Birmingham and CritoBook Review on The Autobiography of Malcolm XArguments for Physician-Assisted Suicide (PAS)Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows EssayThe Fifth HorsemanTrailblazing by Eric AndersonEffects of Television Violence on ChildrenBringing Democracy to Africa

Friday, November 22, 2019

Enlightened Shareholder Value Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Enlightened Shareholder Value - Essay Example The concept of shareholder value holds that company directors must tailor their policies to be in line with the interests of the shareholders of the company1. Directors are therefore expected to steer the operations of the company with the maximization of the shareholder’s interests as the main priority. The United Kingdom established the Company Law Review Steering Group (CLRSG) in late 1990s and mandated it to come up with a detailed review of English company law. At the end of its exercise, the CLRSG noted that the country’s legal system, like other Western jurisdictions, prefers shareholder value. The CLRSG indicated that the current legal system reflects the reality that business organizations are run in such a way that the shareholders often benefit. That is, the legal system confers upon shareholders absolute powers in the management of the local companies, such that the mandate of the directors is basically to exercise delegated power. Additionally, the CLRSG st ated that the crucial goal of business organizations is to create maximum gains for the investors in the short term as opposed to long-term goals2. This paper examines the argument that the enlightened shareholder value principle is a sophisticated restatement rather than a refutation of the principle of shareholder primacy. ... This is especially true even after the latest repeals to the body of law as envisaged in the Companies Act 2006. It is arguable that, unlike the largely fair structures of company law, English case law has consistently reaffirmed the primacy of shareholders. The courts have traditionally held that any public business organization should be managed to the advantage of the membership or shareholders3. However, the CLRSG has recommended a change of tack. To this end, the reviewing body supported the implementation of the principle of enlightened shareholder value (ESV)4. Section 172(1) of the Companies Act 2006 mainly captures the provision for the ESV. The provision reaffirms the management of every company should be done with respect to the interests of the shareholders. The section basically upholds the principle of shareholder value, but limits the formerly absolute benefits of the group by introducing the rule and the need for due respect for the interests of other stakeholders5. T his is arguably a proposal for a new doctrine in the English law, in the sense that section 172(1) conditionally supports the primacy of the interests of the shareholder. The requirement, which could be interpreted as the enlightened aspect of the shareholder value, underscores the doctrine of due attention to the value of non-share-holders as well. The latest law has brought about far-reaching legal implications in the understanding of the provision. Responses to the new clause among legal opinions may be divided into two categories: supporters and detractors of the enlightened shareholder value rule. It can be argued that section 172(1) is actually a modest but well thought-out principle that will balance the

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

A Profile of Mr Bean's Carrier in Comedy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

A Profile of Mr Bean's Carrier in Comedy - Essay Example Mr. Bean’s humor is atypical for a British sitcom. For example, British comedy series usually employ satire, parody, sarcasm and dry humor. But breaking away from this tradition, Mr. Bean thrives on a mix of visual and physical humor. While it is logical to believe that this type of slapstick humor appeals to children and adolescents, Mr. Bean’s appeal is near universal spanning across age, gender, cultural and linguistic backgrounds. Described as â€Å"a child in a grown man’s body†, the endearing character goes about everyday tasks in a disruptive yet funny manner. Mr. Bean, or for that matter any other character in the series, speaks much. This adaption to the ‘silent movie’ genre works very well, as it resonates with classic comic works of Charlie Chaplin, Laurel & Hardy, etc. Background laughs are added to accentuate the effect and to imply humor. The recurring motifs of the show, in the form of the troublesome car, the tenuous love affair with Irma Gobb, his most intimate companion the Teddy bear, etc, all help to heighten the humor. Childlike in his behavior and thoughts, Mr. Bean gets himself into various sorts of crises. Though some of the situations he gets himself into are serious, most of them are light and trivial. Moreover, Mr. Bean is always finding new ways of annoying and offending people around him. The plots are constructed in such a manner that comedy takes precedence over realism or credibility of situations. This is not such as bad thing for the audience as they get maximum worth out of the time spent. It is a testament to the success of the TV series, that movie and animation adaptations followed - Bean: The Ultimate Disaster Movie and Mr. Bean (animated) respectively. Books and DVD’s inspired by the original show also came forth. The outstanding commercial success of the show and its adaptations are complemented by critical appreciation as well.  

Monday, November 18, 2019

Organizational Change Plan - Part II Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Organizational Change Plan - Part II - Essay Example Some of the metrics that can be used to monitor the implementation process include the transformation of work processes through improved access to patient data and communication in the organization. The systems should provide the required transaction information. Some of the success factors for EMR implementation include the clarity of vision, the stakeholder commitment level, the effectiveness of change management teams, the leadership capability, the change communication strategies and the alignment of the EMR change management with the organizational culture. Organizational change plan- part II Introduction Electronic Medical records consist of several software applications that are integrated to input, store and output patient medical data and information (Rodrigues, 2010). EMR include the physician order entry, integrated communication systems with laboratories, decision support systems, and data entry systems. EMR increase efficiency of information access and enable standardiza tion of the medical information documentation (Carter, 2008). Physicians can easily access and review huge volumes of patient data on previous disease history, allergies, laboratory tests and medication administered. Electronic Medical record can be divided in to EMR standards that include the patient privacy and security issues, the EMR infrastructure that include the telecommunication systems (Rodrigues, 2010). The other parts of EMR includes the information content like summaries and health delivery history and change management that is concerned with acceptability of the system by the users and availability of a skilled workforce to efficiently utilize the EMR (Walker, Bierber, & Richards, 2006). The EMR will improve staff productivity since laboratory information can be easily accessed in the form of text, graphs and tables that are convenient to interpret. Data entry procedures are simplified and drug prescription tools in the system reduce the time required for medication ren ewals (Carter, 2008). EMR will provide decision support systems that will improve medical diagnosis, treatment and prescription. The system will also reduce the costs associated with test ordering and prescription since the patient medical data is readily available. The systems will support primary patient care through a disease management system due to a better understanding of the population health need trends overtime (Rodrigues, 2010). However, there are certain concerns or issues that may arise due to implementation of the EMR. Some of the issues include patient privacy of confidential information, the costs associated with implementation of the EMR and possible staff resistance of the change occasioned by EMR implementation (Carter, 2008). Some methods that can be used to monitor the implementation of the proposed change include random sampling of patients at predetermined intervals in order to monitor the efficiency in the health care delivery process (Carter, 2008). Another method of monitoring is the stakeholder analysis in order to assess whether the users and stakeholder needs have been attained. For instance, it is important to analyse the staff acceptability level and the level of motivation after the EMR implementation (Rodrigues, 2010). Documentation review can be used to ascertain whether the EMR systems are meeting the expected

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Social Exclusion Of Different Types Of People Social Work Essay

Social Exclusion Of Different Types Of People Social Work Essay To what extent are EITHER children OR people with disabilities OR older people OR people with illnesses socially excluded? Social exclusion is a blend of multi-dimensional and mutually reinforcing processes of deprivation associated with a progressive dissociation from social milieus, resulting in the isolation of individuals and groups from the main-stream of opportunities society has to offer (Vleminckx and Berghman, 2001, p6) In this piece of work I am going to discuss the notion of social exclusion using the service user group of people with learning disabilities to give examples of social exclusion and to show what the Government is doing to tackle social exclusion.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The quote above is a complex description of the term social exclusion, and perhaps a simpler explanation would be the definition given by BMJ Journals (2001) which defines social exclusion as the inability of our society to keep all groups and individuals within reach of what we expect as a society and the tendency to push vulnerable and difficult individuals into the least popular places (p1).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Exclusion is linked to a persons identity, and the identity of a person that has been excluded becomes oppressed, which in turn leads to the person finding it difficult to control their own life, and which inevitably leads to further exclusion from society (Dominelli, 2002). It is also important to realise that when discussing exclusion you must also need to take into account the Government initiatives on inclusion, as these initiatives are proactive rather than reactive, which means they react to the problem instead of trying to prevent the problem before it arises (Thompson, 2001). The report, Inclusion through Innovation: Tackling Social Exclusion Through New Technologies is a good example of how exclusion and inclusion are linked together (, 2006). This report explores the improvement of the quality of life for the most excluded groups in society by using Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) to meet their complex needs (, 2006). The Joint Report on Social Protection and Social Inclusion, that was published by the EU in 2005, tells us how a well designed social protection system not only leads to good economic development but helps to combat the problem of social exclusion (, 2006). A significant piece of legislation that affects the whole population is the Human Rights Act 1998, and Mind (2006) makes us aware that there are articles within this Act that are specific to people with learning disabilities; these articles include the right to life, prohibition of inhumane or degrading treatment, prohibition of discrimination and the right to education. Whilst this piece of legislation is in place, our society should not be facing the problem of social exclusion, let alone having to produce and implement more initiatives in a bid to control the problem (Mind, 2006).   People with learning disabilities are one of the most vulnerable groups in society, and the Government is committed to improving their life chances (, 2006) The Government in various ways is dealing with social exclusion, although this is difficult because social exclusion comes in many different forms. Despite this, the Government is dedicated to tackling these problems, although many initiatives come late in the process, addressing consequences rather than causes (, 2006, p1). Mind (2006) also informs us that in our society it is the learning disabled that are amongst the most isolated groups.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Thompson (2001) tells us that disabled people have never had priority status in social work, and this particular area has often been given very little attention on training courses for this profession. This in itself can be seen as discriminatory and leads to what is now known as disablism (Thompson, 2001). Thompson (2001) describes disablism as referring to the combination of social forces, cultural values and personal prejudices which marginalizes disabled people, portrays them in as negative light and thus oppresses them. This combination encapsulates a powerful ideology which has the effect of denying disabled people full participation in mainstream social life (p112).   Ã‚   When discussing the exclusion of learning disabled people from society it is important to take into account the medical model of the disability and the social model of the disability; the medical model of disability looks at the person and their difficulties in terms of their condition and looks to repair the person, whereas in contrast the social model of the disability looks towards the society being disabling as society is not making enough provisions to enabled the disabled person to lead what we consider to be a normal life (Thompson, 2001).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   There is an important link between social exclusion and poverty; because of benefit rules people with learning disabilities are effectively unable to gain employment which means that they have to rely on benefits to survive, which rules out the chance of them ever owning their own home which is a common goal for much of the nation (Davies, 2002). Although education is becoming increasingly available for people with learning disabilities, especially opportunities for further education, the reality is that there are still no jobs available for people that are learning disabled, and inevitably this group of people end up re-entering education again as there are no other opportunities for them (Davies, 2002).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   People with learning disabilities often struggle to find relationships; if they are still living with their parents they very rarely spend time with other people of the same age, and those who have left their parents home tend to have only a small social group of people with similar disabilities to their own (Davies, 2002). Because of the protectiveness of parents of children with learning disabilities their children become very dependant on them so when they get older they find it difficult to cope on their own which in turn leads to further segregation for society (Davies, 2002).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Another aspect that excludes people with learning disabilities is that they have a lack of information of the range of services that they are entitled to, from health to housing, although Mencap has produced a picture bank of information to help resolve this problem. The picture bank is a range of visual explanations that can be accessed by people with learning disabilities (, 2006), and has also helped the Guardian newspaper to publish a news stories with easy to read words and pictures. Watt (2001) tells us that it is in the past 20 years that society has become immensely unequal in the UK, where some people have done extremely well and others have not. It appears that the Government has recognized the issues surrounding social exclusion for many years, but their proposed solutions are small for the problems that apply to the whole of society (Watt, 2001). The Office of the Deputy Prime Minister (2006) emphasizes the fact that people who have become socially excluded often become part of a vicious cycle of related problems which include unemployment, low incomes, poor housing, bad health and family breakdown, and its focus is to prevent this from happening in the future by fighting the problem now. The Social Exclusion Unit repeatedly tells us that it is critical to implement early preventative action, and children and young people are especially vulnerable to the effects of social exclusion (, 2006, p1). Valuing People (Department of Health, 2001)   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The white paper called Valuing People: a new strategy for Learning Disability for the 21st Century was published by the Government on 20th March 2001, and was a key turning point for people with learning disabilities, and not only addressed their needs, but proposed a way of trying to make their lives better (, 2006). Four of the key principles in this white paper were civil rights, independence, choice and inclusion things that people born without disabilities take for granted (, 2006). The main aim of Valuing People was to give people with learning disabilities a chance to have a real say in where they live, what work they should do and who looks after them (Department of Health, 2001a). Valuing People sets out proposals from the Government to improve the life chances and opportunities for people with learning disabilities and their families, and looks towards collaboration between different agencies in order to ac hieve this (Niace, 2003).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Nothing about us without us (Department of Health, 2001b) This report was published by the Department of Health regarding the rights of people who have learning disabilities, and the report says that a person with learning difficulties cannot have their lives discussed without them being present so that they are involved in making the decisions about their life (Department of Health, 2001). The report also says that if decisions are being made that could affect people with learning disabilities then there must be people present that have learning disabilities (Department of Health, 2001). A report called Hidden Lives was published by the charity Turning Point, in which they examined how effective legislation had been in tackling social exclusion (Batty, 2004). The results of the report were quite alarming, with many service users claiming that improvement had been very slow, and the charity fear that people with learning disabilities are facing social exclusion forever (Batty, 2004). The solution to social exclusion lies not in myriad attempts ro repair society at points of breakdown, but in persuading relatively affluent groups that social inclusion is worth paying for (Watt, 2001)

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

HRM Strategies Needed by Janssen Pharmaceutical Companies to Achieve High Performance Work :: Janssen Pharmaceuticals Case Study

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY High Performance Work (HPW) is absolutely essential for the associations to manage the to a great degree aggressive markets. Absence of organisational effectiveness or techniques would absolutely push the association in the negative course. In this paper Leadership and Human Resource Management (HRM) ideas are contemplated for expanding the superior working of the Janssen Pharmaceuticals. The collaboration and HRM procedures utilized by the Janssen are assessed. The assessment is carried out on the premise of proper hypothetical models. The ranges in which the association is solid and powerless are unmistakably distinguished and portrayed as a feature of the examination. Janssen which is fundamentally a Health care supplier has powerful HRM procedures. In the meantime there is so much the association can enhance in the fields like wellbeing, reasonable arrangement. Proposals for expanding the proficiency of the association are unmistakably depicted. Table of Contents Executive Summary................................................................................................... 2 Introduction ............................................................................................................... 4 Analysis...................................................................................................................... 4 About Janssen............................................................................................................ 4 Leadership†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. ............................................................................................. 5 Human Resource Management (HRM) .......................................................................6 Conclusion.................................................................................................................. 10 .Recommendations..................................................................................................... 11 References................................................................................................................. 12 INTRODUCTION For Janssen pharmaceuticals, leadership and human resource management are two essential perspectives that need to be analyse. The primary motivation behind taking these two angles it is straightforwardly connected to the High performance work (HPW) of the organization. Separated from all other criteria, leadership is a special quality that straightforwardly connected to the accomplishment of the organization, in light of the fact that it incorporates the social relations between higher powers and their minimum employees. The intermediate managers are paramount on the grounds that his predisposition part of leaders and supporters (Clegg, 2011). The relationship of representatives with the top level administration is not entrenched for Janssen, may be a direct result of the absent of immediate contact with one another. There are different exercises included in the Human resource management. They are enrolling the workers, setting up the choice and remuneration techniques. It additionally incorporates execution administration frameworks, offering the data and including the workers in an extensive manner. All these exercises are done in a thorough way for procuring, creating and retaining the talented workforce. All these practices are by and large considered as high responsibility or high inclusion frameworks. In less difficult terms they are alluded as high performance works (HPWS). This idea is identified with strategic human resource management (SHRM). SHRM positively includes the managerial movements identified with communication and participation, preparing and advancement, recruitment and staffing and execution administration and compensation (Anthony et.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Parents Should Have a License to Have Children

Question of Policy: 13. Parents should have a license for having children. I think so. It's pretty ridiculous that anyone can procreate and keep the kids, but you have go to through red tape, often for years! , to adopt. Everyone should be required to take parenting classes through an unbiased (aka non-religious) source, like a hospital. I say non-religious because the discussions will undoubtedly change to moral rearing, when the biggest problems are with physical and logical raising. I have no problem with kids being raised with religion, of course.Now, we can't control people getting pregnant unless we have mandatory sterilization of some people–but, we really couldn't do that with our rules on medicine (and people change as they age). However, the moment you go to your doctor for your first appointment, you should have to sign up for those parenting classes. If you really want the kids, you will make time for the classes. I don't really care how busy you are. I'm in class or working for about 12 hours per day, and if I got pregnant, I would make the damn time because it would be for the well-being of my children. Pro- 1.Less accidents (parents are informed of different precautions with children). 2. Precursor for disease prevention (blood tests could determine diseases) 3. Will baby be raised in a psychologically stable environment? (If one of the parents is a sexual offender, parental rights will not be allowed). 4. May lead to less crime (Offenders are often known to be raised in a deviant environment). Con- 1. The population-replacement level is already low. 2. It interferes with our right to reproduce. 3. It is costly (doctors will have to operate on every woman, and be able to reverse the process). . How are you going to control sexual behavior? * 5 years ago * * * No. * 5 years ago * Report Abuse 0%Â  0Â  Votes * Verity No, and here's why: 1. While it feels logical on some level, the administrative challenge of determining fit parents is mind -boggling. Does it require a financial means test? A psychological evaluation? A visit to a marital counselor to ensure a stable marriage? Even the lowest bar – say, attending a few hours of parenting clases, which most hosptials encourage and offer at low or no cost – requires making judgements about culture and values that are dicey. . The absolute truth is that parents can look good on paper and fail in practice, and vice versa. One of the best moms I know was 20, unmarried and employed as a cashier when her daughter was born. Nothing in her history suggests she'd be so competent and loving, but there it is. And plenty of well-heeled, highly educated men and women – myself included – struggle with the transition. Parenting licenses would likely be tainted by the same accusations facing our legal system – do the affluent have an advantage? Is that just? 3.Since the act of conceiving a child occurs far outside the reach of the law, how would we re gulate it? Would women be forced to take pregnancy tests? That's a funny twist in the abortion debate, actually. Is there a right to choose to become a parent, and if so, can the state stop you? Would men and women who fail a licensing test be obligated to take birth control? What if they're morally opposed? (After all, you may opt out of military service for religious and moral objections, if they can be confirmed by church membership or a similar proof. ) 4. What happens to the kids born to unlicensed parents?Are they forcibly taken away from their parents? Who gets them? Again, there's a potentially ugly social justice issue there – poor children, possibly of color, being given to affluent parents, possibly white, because we define adequate parenting by a standard that doesn't apply universally. (When a friend adopted a second child, she learned that each child had to have his own bedroom. In a pricey city, if we have a second kid, there's no way they'll both have their ow n rooms – but if the state is imposing rules, they may well favor the affluent in ways that are unjust – or bizarre. 5. Assuming unlicensed parents have children, how will the state pay for costs associated with those children's care? Most states' youth and family services offices are already woefully underfunded and many are tragically ineffective. 6. It will become a pricey and chaotic legal battleground. Some will want same-sex couples to be refused parenting licenses; others will argue that unwed parents are undeserving. The court battles will cost millions, and will probably not result in substantially better parenting.In the end, I think that's really the challenge – will the licensing process create better parents? Licensing is a one-time act, and an all or nothing proposal. You get the license or you don't. But parenting doesn't work like that. It's a gradual process, with days where we get it right and days when we just plain screw up. You can license a driver because there are, in general, a finite set of circumstances you must be prepared for behind the wheel. Parenting licensure could never be that simple, and so it is doomed. Good luck!

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Free Essays on Pearl Of The Scarlet Letter

Pearl, the living symbol of Hester’s sin of adultery is a very complex character. She is present in almost every scene with Hester, rarely by her side. However her character remains somewhat in the shadows at all times. She is difficult to understand, she is passionate and wild, and she does not obey any rules but those she wishes to. Her moods seem to change quickly, at times she seems as if she were put on earth to torment her mother for her acts of adultery. At other times she is sweet and loving of her mother. Pearl is said to â€Å"react according to her particular feeling of the moment† possibly paralleling the passion of her mother and Dimmesdale. Hester describes Pearl as a â€Å" face, fiend-like, full of smiling malice† I do not know if she sees Pearl as evil or possessed or rather just as wild and free. The people of the village sometimes refer to her in comparison to the devil, for she throws rocks at their children, says crazy things and had an awful temper. The townspeople also look down upon Pearl because she is a child of sin, the product of adultery and they outcast her as much as Hester. Although many people see an evil in Pearl God and nature seem to see something different. Pearl is described as beautiful and intelligent. She plays happily as most children do with much physical grace. She seems to fit perfectly in the forest where her wildness can run free; her nature is at one in the woods. As she runs, the light that her mother so desperately seeks follows her, shining upon her. The light may be a sign from God that the child is not tarnished for her mother’s sins, that she is good and pure although she may seem like a savage. Pearl becomes more human in the last chapters of the book. She has a yearning for Dimmesdale to acknowledge she and her mother in public, showing that she cares about him to some extent. This hypothesis is proven in the final chapter when she kisses Dimme... Free Essays on Pearl Of The Scarlet Letter Free Essays on Pearl Of The Scarlet Letter Pearl, the living symbol of Hester’s sin of adultery is a very complex character. She is present in almost every scene with Hester, rarely by her side. However her character remains somewhat in the shadows at all times. She is difficult to understand, she is passionate and wild, and she does not obey any rules but those she wishes to. Her moods seem to change quickly, at times she seems as if she were put on earth to torment her mother for her acts of adultery. At other times she is sweet and loving of her mother. Pearl is said to â€Å"react according to her particular feeling of the moment† possibly paralleling the passion of her mother and Dimmesdale. Hester describes Pearl as a â€Å" face, fiend-like, full of smiling malice† I do not know if she sees Pearl as evil or possessed or rather just as wild and free. The people of the village sometimes refer to her in comparison to the devil, for she throws rocks at their children, says crazy things and had an awful temper. The townspeople also look down upon Pearl because she is a child of sin, the product of adultery and they outcast her as much as Hester. Although many people see an evil in Pearl God and nature seem to see something different. Pearl is described as beautiful and intelligent. She plays happily as most children do with much physical grace. She seems to fit perfectly in the forest where her wildness can run free; her nature is at one in the woods. As she runs, the light that her mother so desperately seeks follows her, shining upon her. The light may be a sign from God that the child is not tarnished for her mother’s sins, that she is good and pure although she may seem like a savage. Pearl becomes more human in the last chapters of the book. She has a yearning for Dimmesdale to acknowledge she and her mother in public, showing that she cares about him to some extent. This hypothesis is proven in the final chapter when she kisses Dimme...

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Drama †English Literature Essay (100 Level Course)

Drama – English Literature Essay (100 Level Course) Free Online Research Papers Drama English Literature Essay (100 Level Course) If the 15th century was comparatively poor in poetry and prose, it was rich in plays. It saw the flourishing of Medieval Drama, which would pave the way for the great Elizabethan theatre.Medieval Drama developed from liturgical ceremonies; the origins of medieval plays may in fact be found in the rituals of the Church. The clergy had always tried to convey the chief events of the Christian religion to an illiterate populace by means of dramatic performances. In Italy, for instance, St. Francis had represented Christ’s nativity with a real child in the cradle, surrounded by real people and animals. Easter performances had been even more impressive. After music was introduced into churches in the 6th century, and words were later fitted to the melodies, a dramatic dialogue began to emerge, initial ly in the form of an alternating chant between priest and choir. Little by little, processional and scenic effects were added, which, by in creasing dramatic action, also required more complicated stage properties. All of this produced a gradual evolution from liturgical drama to Miracle and Mystery Plays1. Latin was slowly replaced by the vernacular, and secular elements became increasingly common. As the Miracle Plays grew in popularity, performances inside churches be came more and more difficult because of the growing size of the audience. So the plays were removed from the churches and began to be performed out of doors, first in the church courtyard and then in other open spaces of the town. Research Papers on Drama - English Literature Essay (100 Level Course)Assess the importance of Nationalism 1815-1850 EuropeHonest Iagos Truth through DeceptionCanaanite Influence on the Early Israelite Religion19 Century Society: A Deeply Divided EraMind TravelQuebec and CanadaMarketing of Lifeboy Soap A Unilever ProductOpen Architechture a white paperRelationship between Media Coverage and Social andIncorporating Risk and Uncertainty Factor in Capital

Monday, November 4, 2019

Introduction to Organisations and Management Essay - 4

Introduction to Organisations and Management - Essay Example The concern also recognizes the presence of a union body which cares for both the administrative and operation staff. (Anglia Ruskin University, 2011).On the contrary H&M is a consultancy operating on a global framework with a huge presence in over 120 nations. The concern unlike Watsons Engine also operates based on a huge staff base of around 13,000 people. This global consulting company earns the pride of employing people reflecting specialised skills in different sectors pertaining to different infrastructural categories. H&M operating in an international scale has a large number of customers both belonging to the private and public sector. The company has a very strong and motivated organisational work culture which helps in catering to the changing needs of a diversified customer base. (Anglia Ruskin University, 2011). Organisation/structure The entire organisation is divided along separate tiers in which the total organisational task is properly divided or allocated. These org anisational layers are rendered access to the existing level of organisational resources and different levels of responsibilities are duly entrusted to fulfil the allocated tasks based on the given resources. Structural levels within the organisation are represented in the form of pyramids to reflect the flow of authority and responsibility among the stated quarters. Depending on the needs of the organization the organizational structures are uniquely fashioned like simple, functional, divisional and matrix. Organisation functioning on direct owner-employee relationship with less people is based on the simpler structure. Functional and Divisional structure focuses on creation of departments based on work specialisation. Matrix structure enhances the work specialisation concept by delegating the specialisation units under separate business heads. (Strategic Management, 2009; Murphy & Willmott, 2010, p.94). In regards to the above discussion the organisational structure of Watsons Eng ine is found to be more inclined to a more conservative sphere with less focus on innovation. Organisational structures practiced at Watsons Engine being highly dependent on hierarchical system reflect less amount of flexibility to the changes in the external environment. Furthermore the increased dependence on hierarchical system has also reduced the level of transparency in the organisation. This reduction in transparency in turn has contributed to the reduction of the productivity parameter of the employees. Flow of organisational communication in Watsons Engine generally flow from higher to lower levels of organisational hierarchy and hence also affects the motivation of the employees. Watsons Engine’s enhanced dependence on obsolete hierarchical systems only contributed in obstructing the productivity growth of the employees. On the other hand, H&M functions depending on the matrix organisation. The organisation functioning depending on the matrix organisational framewor k helps in performing complex sets of functions in an integrated and highly specialise environment. Working in an integrated framework helps the organisation to make optimum utilisation of technological and human resources. Further the organisation working

Saturday, November 2, 2019

How Bodies will interact in the Future Depends On our Experience on Research Paper

How Bodies will interact in the Future Depends On our Experience on how they have interacted in the Past - Research Paper Example In the field of natural and physical sciences, the law of cause and effect works very well. Events that occur have their causes. Earthquakes are caused by volcanic eruptions; floods may be caused by heavy rains. When one doesn't eat he will surely die. There are several instances illustrating the veracity of these statements. These are simple occurrences that anyone can easily understand. We automatically believe that everything that happens has a cause. David Hume, a Scottish philosopher, economist, and historian advanced a totally different view of causation. According to him, causes and effects are not discovered by reason but through experience. When we see that one event "causes" another, what we see is that this event is constantly conjoined to another. Hume believes that there is no reason to believe that one caused the other or but they will be always conjoined in the future. This belief of Hume is somewhat intriguing for what relationship would exist between the occurrences of two unrelated events, one occurring before the other. InductiInductive reasoning works on the principle that past acts are reliable guides to future acts. This is based on the principle of uniformity of nature. Because of this uniformity interactions will be similar. There are numerous instances which illustrate this, but there are also instances where the contrary is exhibited. When the acts have the propensity to renew itself or its operation, we call this the effect of custom or habit. Forms of Induction According to Wikipedia contributors (2007), David Hume's inductive inference comes in two forms:1. Demonstrative or intuitive This reasoning is basically a priori. We cannot determine a priori that the future will conform with the past because logically the world may stop being uniform. This cannot be grounded on a priori reasoning, hence the need to put it aside. 2. Inductive Again we cannot rely on the past to infer that the future will be similar or like it. At first glance, this seems to be a logical theory. We arrive at the truth through induction. Again, the reason is expected as its determining factor in the process, so like the first method, the demonstrative or intuitive method, Hume also discarded.Hume proposed that these two have no rational foundations and therefore cannot be depended upon.